
_ Partner

Born in Kent. Lives in tomorrow. Industrial designer. Futurist. Visionary of the perfect home. Design geek. Laundry expert. People person. Find him sketching your strategic framework, while obsessing about typography and kerning.


_ Partner

New York. London. Maesteg (Wales). Global agency leader. Trustee of Women in Innovation. Problem solver. Blue sky thinker. Dog person. Find her dazzling your next innovation workshop, or stinging like a bee in the boxing ring.


_ Partner

Born English. Gone French. CEO of agencies in Singapore & London. Francophile. Beauty queen. Mother of dragons. Find her building the future of your business, or dragging you out to Karoake.


_ Partner

Half Welsh. Half French. Sort of German. And a bit Italian. Past CEO of a global agency. Too big to fail. Epicure. Culture guardian. Find him shaping future brand strategy, thinking about knitwear and always wearing shades of navy.


_ Partner

Raised in Scunthorpe. Plays punk bass. Fluent in Japanese. Veteran of agencies in Tokyo and London. Hip-hop head. Insurance expert. Whisky taster. Find him shaping your global creative campaign, or making soundscapes.


_ Director of Growth

Born in London. Lives in the country. Graphic designer turned growth strategist. Outdoorsman. Aspiring woodworker. Rugby nut. Gentle giant. Find him cultivating new connections or seeking a cosy pub corner.


_ Finance Director

Wolverhampton-born. Lived in Thailand. Currently residing near the Welsh hills on the border with Chester. Walkaholic. Chartered Accountant. Data driven storyteller. Proud mother of a junior National League basketball player. Easily bribed with chai & chocolate. Interior design obsessive and photography fan. Find her taking endless family portraits or designing rooms at home in a modern farmhouse style.


_ Senior Strategist

Born in London… lives in London. Plastic Scot. Romantic poet. Failed musician. Martini magician. Enthusiastic ethnographer. Unenthusiastic runner. Find him finessing brand strategy or finessing his bad puns.


_ Strategist

Midlander with a Northern soul. Sub-editor. Passionate action-taker. Product designer. Wild swimmer and adventure seeker. Eclectic all-era music. Dry sense of humour. Curious lifelong learner. Find her wearing grandma-chic outfits, geeking out over neuropsychology and nutrition, and digging into the stories of people’s lives.


_ Senior Project Manager

100% English rose. Global Project Manager extraordinaire. Small dog lover. Children’s Chauffer. Plate spinner. Aspiring book reader. Find her bossing your next huge fieldwork puzzle or out for a jog with the dog.


_ Senior Project Manager

Born and raised on the London Essex border. Project Manager of global beasts. Hard core knitter. Pub quiz lover. Problem solver. Star baker. Find her balancing complex fieldwork or playing complex board games.


_ Strategy Director

Too young to retire, too old to hipster. Part-time Northerner and full-time dad joke expert. Pugilism, pints and paperbacks. Find him wrangling a focus group to the ground or mixing up a mean margarita.


_ Strategist

Italian. English. Swedish? Born in London, raised in Shanghai. Youth-centered researcher, focaccia enthusiast, and anthropologist at the crossroads. Plant mum with rich aunt energy. Passionate about anything China. Find her watching focus groups around the world, or summoning great and terrible sorcery under the light of the full moon.


_ Strategy Director

Half Chilean. Half Belgian. Undercover Greek. Product Designer. Clean Freak during the week. Mezcal Mary on the weekend. Find her searching for innovation opportunities around the world while listening to reggaeton.


_ Senior Strategist

Born in Bristol. Built in Buenos Aires. Fini en France. As hungry for brain-busting briefs as he is for 5lb burritos. Speaks Portuguese. Cooks Chinese. Drinks cups of cider and pints of tea. Plays violin but makes garage. Backflips on skis. Find him growing brands all over the world or growing vegetables on his terrace.


_ Strategist

London born. Shaped in the Netherlands. Futures analyst. Creative researcher. Semiotician. Innovator. Professional foodie. Cake designer. Flavour philosopher. Find her guiding you through the next cultural shifts, knocking up a batch of elderflower champagne or figuring out what to do with medlars and other rare ingredients.


_ Strategist

Guangzhou. Beijing. London. Anthropology nerd. Cantonese maverick. Chameleon of hair and style. Experiment lover. Grooves to alternative beats. Cat parent. Find them infusing strategies with cultural depth, or taking a Polaroid of a mushroom in the wild.


_ Senior Director

German. American. Iranian. Made London her home. Former director at a global agency. Jewellery junkie. Skintellectual. Food fanatic. Mother of geniuses. Find her cooking Persian delicacies or refining your future brand strategy with equal measures of passion.


_ Finance assistant

North London born and raised with a splash of Edinburgh. Dog lover. Berry hater. Numbers nerd. One time marathon runner, multiple time marathon mentioner. Find her wearing a striped scarf and chatting away over her eighth cup of tea.