The Challenge
adidas were approaching their consumers primarily through the narrow lenses of sport or style preferences. This limited understanding didn't account for their holistic needs and motivations. They decided to shift to a demand space segmentation and identified nine consumer segments, but they struggled to translate them into actionable insights for the wider business.
The Unlock
Through an immersive global study, we brought adidas closer to their consumers. Recruiting 90 participants across China, France, Germany, Japan, the UK, and the US, we used diaries to capture their day-to-day experiences. This was followed by ethnographic interviews with a diverse mix of everyone from elite football players, novice runners, street-style enthusiasts, and fast-fashion lovers.
By exploring their broader lifestyle and sports contexts, we uncovered their full spectrum of needs and aspirations.
The Impact
We brought the nine consumer demand spaces to life with vibrant tools: tailored ‘magazines,’ conceptual ‘bags,’ and relatable ‘muses.’ These creative assets helped Adidas integrate the model into their business, ensuring each segment’s unique product, communication, and channel requirements were met effectively.